

The Tower Tally is one of the best ways to capture an audience’s attention and hold it for the entirety of the game. The tally is the fan’s score. Just like the two teams battling it out on the court have scores, the UCF audience also has a score against the opposing teams’ fans. Varying amount of points will be given to either side based on how well fans complete the activities before and during the game. For example, the basketball competitions before the game will be against UCF students and fans of the opposing team. If the UCF students beat the other fans, than a certain amount of points will be awarded to the UCF side; and visa versa. Points can be awarded during the game by achieving such goals as completing a wave, cheering at a certain volume, or ordering more people into The Ham. The most points will come from the actual outcome of the game. At the end of the game, the tower at the top of the arena will project the tally. If your side wins, than you are privileged with a free T-Shirt at the exits. But in order to prevent people from changing sides at the last minute, fans must declare a side before they enter. This concept puts gives the audience something to lose if they don’t participate actively in the game. Competition is one of the most compelling models for involvement. Fans from both side can now feel apart of the game.

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