

- What I wanted to accomplish the most was to include the audience in as many ways as possible. This concept keeps them entertained and participatory.

- I also wanted this complex to be based at a University because many of my ingredients depend on a young and vibrant audience.

- I didn’t want there to be a shortage of entertainment, which is why I incorporated a number of entertainment based concepts for before, during, and after the game.


Sherwood Arena is a basketball dome themed after the Nottingham Castle in the Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves tale. The arena itself is replacing the arena at the University of Central Florida. This replacement fits neatly into the University because the name of the team, the Golden Knights, will not change. By uniting the Sheriff of Nottingham knights with the Golden Knights of UCF, a new and exciting sports complex will be born.


The outside of the building will resemble the hard, grey stones depicted by the Nottingham castle. The structure will be shaped like a large castle complete with towers and drawbridges. In order to make the building look even more authentic, a small moat will encompass the perimeter of the structure.


Once inside the building, sports fans can enjoy a number of activities, such as hot dog eating contests, that will encourage a boastful crowd come game time. On the court, a number of events occur before game time that will inspire fans to come earlier and leave happier. Basketball competitions, equipment auctions, boxing matches, exc. will keep those unwilling to participate in such activities entertained while they wait.


Even though the game has started, the fun has just begun. Each seat is fitted with a hydraulic lift that will bump the chair up and down while rumbling as well. During good plays or a stimulant for the crowd, an operator will activate the seats thereby causing an exciting reaction. The seat system can also be used to start complex waves.


The most attractive aspect of the entire complex will be the club/bar beneath the court called The Ham. From here, students and guests can enjoy an exotic atmosphere of music, dancing, and refreshment. What about the game you ask? Well, the ceiling of the club is a thick series of one way glass panels that allows students and guests to look up at the game while it is occurring, but the players cannot see beneath them. This makes for an interesting vantage point of the game; almost like a giant TV.


In order to keep fans in their seats once the game has ended, a concert or some sort of live entertainment will transpire. This is a good opportunity for up and coming student bands to play in front of their fellow students, and it also encourages other types of entertainment to be known.


The Tower Tally is one of the best ways to capture an audience’s attention and hold it for the entirety of the game. The tally is the fan’s score. Just like the two teams battling it out on the court have scores, the UCF audience also has a score against the opposing teams’ fans. Varying amount of points will be given to either side based on how well fans complete the activities before and during the game. For example, the basketball competitions before the game will be against UCF students and fans of the opposing team. If the UCF students beat the other fans, than a certain amount of points will be awarded to the UCF side; and visa versa. Points can be awarded during the game by achieving such goals as completing a wave, cheering at a certain volume, or ordering more people into The Ham. The most points will come from the actual outcome of the game. At the end of the game, the tower at the top of the arena will project the tally. If your side wins, than you are privileged with a free T-Shirt at the exits. But in order to prevent people from changing sides at the last minute, fans must declare a side before they enter. This concept puts gives the audience something to lose if they don’t participate actively in the game. Competition is one of the most compelling models for involvement. Fans from both side can now feel apart of the game.